Home » today » News » ▷ POL-E: Essen: Large-scale operation for the Essen police headquarters on May 1st – final report

▷ POL-E: Essen: Large-scale operation for the Essen police headquarters on May 1st – final report

01.05.2021 – 18:15

Police food

Food (ots)

45117 E. urban area:

Almost a dozen gatherings have caused a large-scale police operation in Essen since this morning (May 1).

While a meeting of the German Trade Union Confederation with approx. 250 vehicles was held at the fair car park P10 on Lilienthalstrasse, various groups in the city area held further meetings.

The meetings of the AfD at Altenessener Markt (approx. 100 participants) and of Bündnis 90 / Die Grünen as a counter-demonstration with 23 participants in the immediate vicinity of the market went without incident.

The German Communist Party carried out a parade with 20 vehicles from the fair car park P10 to the Carl colliery in Altenessen. This meeting also passed without any particular incident.

An “antifascist acion!” Lift started at Holsterhauser Platz. with approx. 450 participants, which ended at the Essen-West ice rink. The participants joined the demonstration from Essen lines up with around 800 participants. At the top there were about 1250 people at the Essen-West ice rink.

Not far from the Essen-West ice rink, the NPD carried out a lift with around 190 participants followed by a rally at the car park of a vocational college.

At the beginning of the elevator of the NPD, a banner was displayed, the content of which posed a threat to public order. The condition was given to roll up the banner.

In the course of the demonstrations it came from the ranks of “antifascist action!” for burning down pyrotechnics. There were also violations of the Corona Protection Ordinance from both camps. In one case, a demonstration participant of the NPD was thrown from a residential building with a PET bottle. Corresponding criminal proceedings have been initiated.

Larger groups from the left spectrum tried four times to break through to the meeting participants of the NPD. In order to separate the groups and prevent criminal offenses, some of the police forces used their multi-purpose canes and irritant spray devices. Corresponding criminal charges were also made here.

The Essen Police Headquarters received support from neighboring authorities to cope with the operation. A police squadron helicopter was also used here.

A final balance of the operation is not yet available, so that no specific figures on individual criminal offenses or administrative offenses can be disclosed.

The Essen / Mülheim an der Ruhr police thanks the participants who gathered peacefully. / Pape

Please contact:

Police in Essen / Mülheim an der Ruhr
Press office
Telephone: 0201-829 1065 (outside office hours 0201-829 7230)
Fax: 0201-829 1069
Email: [email protected]


Original content by: Police Essen, transmitted by news aktuell


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