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▷ POL-DH: — Police arrest fake police officers in Wagenfeld – Night …

01.03.2021 – 10:36

Police station Diepholz

Diepholz (ots)

Police arrest fake police officers

On Thursday last week the police arrested four so-called “false police officers” in Wagenfeld in the late afternoon. What happened? One of the perpetrators reported to a woman in Wagenfeld that afternoon. He posed as a police officer on the phone and described an emergency. The woman should put cash and her debit card in an envelope on the doorstep. All account details, PIN numbers, etc. were also queried by telephone. After the woman left the envelope, she was put on the phone. She was told not to speak to anyone. The perpetrators picked up the envelope and drove to a financial institution in Wagenfeld. Here they were tracked down by the police, who have since been notified. When one of the perpetrators from the bank went to his vehicle, he was approached by the police and arrested. The three other accomplices waiting in the vehicle were also arrested. During the search of the men between 21 and 32 years old and the car, the police found the envelope and the cash that had been picked up. The woman’s EC card and the cash that had just been withdrawn could also be secured from the perpetrators. After the police had stopped and consulted with the public prosecutor, the four men were released. The Diepholz police, Tel. 05441/9710, will receive information, including acts that have not yet been reported.

Barnstorf – test drive without insurance

The police stopped a 16-year-old scooter driver on Sunday at around 3:50 p.m. when he was driving around Göthestrasse without an insurance number. The 16-year-old said he took a test drive in the settlement with his scooter. There was no insurance for the scooter. The 16-year-old is now expecting an advertisement. After the inspection, the 16-year-old had to push his scooter home. The police then know again that from today (March 1st) only new blue insurance numbers are valid. Anyone who is still on the road with a black license plate from last year is liable to prosecution.

Pestinghausen – stolen motorcycle

From Saturday, 7.30 p.m. to Sunday, 9.00 a.m., a Honda brand motorcycle with Verden license plates was stolen right in front of the entrance at number 18 in Pestinghausen. At 3:45 pm the motorcycle “In der Moorheide” was found again. The motorcycle, a 350cc Honda, has a red and white paintwork and an aluminum box attached to the rear. If an eyewitness has seen someone driving the motorcycle, the Bassum police, Tel. 04243/971680, ask for notification.

Twistringen – nightly burglary in the supermarket

At 12:40 am, the alarm system at the Combi supermarket on Bremer Strasse rang. A short time later, several police patrol cars and the deputy store manager were on site. Since the main entrance doors were damaged, the entire market was searched immediately. A 27-year-old man was discovered between the shelves who was already carrying items worth around EUR 2500. The man was arrested and spent the rest of the night in a Syke Police cell.

Please contact:

Police station Diepholz
Press and public relations
Thomas Gissing
Telephone: 05441 / 971-0 (extension -104)
Car: 0152/09480104

Original content by: Diepholz Police Inspectorate, transmitted by news aktuell

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