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▷ PENNY DEL live daily at MagentaSport – Berlin gets 6 points in 24 hours / …

12.02.2021 – 23:31


Munich (ots)

Mannheim trembles after a 5: 1 lead to 5: 4 against EHC Red Bull Munich. After the game there were different insights into Munich’s performance. “I don’t know which game you watched. We put a lot of pressure on for more than 60 minutes. The only thing we have to reproach ourselves for is that we didn’t take our chances,” complained captain Hager after the eighth home bust against Mannheim . MagentaSport expert Renz explained: “Of course as a player you always have a different view of the game. But it was definitely not a top game for Munich.” The Berlin polar bears present an impressive 24-hour record on their “road trip” to Krefeld and Iserlohn: 10: 2 goals, 6 points, first place in the table. The away weakness seems to have been overcome. Berlin coach Aubin: “In this phase we are growing together as a team better and better. The victory yesterday and today: that was a good step forward.”

The following are the most important statements from the Friday games in the PENNY DEL – if you use them, please name the source MagentaSport. The PENNY DEL is live every day at MagentaSport.

EHC Red Bull Munich – Adler Mannheim 4: 5 – 8th home defeat against Mannheim

Another home bankruptcy for Munich against the Adler. But at least a decent last third of the EHC Red Bull after 1: 5 deficit.

Munich captain Patrick Hager when asked why Munich did not show the performance from the third third right at the beginning: “I don’t know what game you watched. We put a lot of pressure on for over 60 minutes. The only thing we have to reproach ourselves for is that we are not taking our chances. We were punished at the back for every little mistake. Mannheim naturally has that quality. If we watch over 60 minutes, then we haven’t been rewarded for our effort. “It was the 8th defeat for Munich against Mannheim:” I have no idea. I think Mannheim is just as difficult with us at home. ”

Expert Andi Renz contradicts Hager: “As a player, of course, you always have a different view of the game. But it was definitely not a top game for Munich.”

Mannheim’s Nicolas Krämmer was happy with the win, but not with the last third: “What happened at the end shouldn’t happen to us. We have to play the 60 minutes, we’re happy about the 3 points, but in the end we have to be better.”

MagentaSport expert Renz said after the second third with a score of 1: 5: “Mannheim skates better, is faster and quicker to act. Munich is currently having acute problems.”

Iserlohn Roosters – Eisbären Berlin 1: 4 – “A good step forward!”

An effortless 6: 1 in Krefeld on Thursday and 4: 1 in Iserlohn within 24 hours. The polar bears are suddenly strong away from home. Leonhard Pföderl scores in the 9th game in a row and for the 12th time in total.

Berlin coach Serge Aubin with the quick balance sheet for the game: “That was a solid performance, we played smart.”

Aubin with a view to the two-time away win: “That was good. In this phase we are growing together as a team better and better. The victory yesterday and today: that was a good step forward.”

Iserlohn’s Marko Friedrich: “That was a modest achievement on our part. Berlin played yesterday. One would actually have to assume that we would not give them access to their game with hard, disciplined play. But it was the other way around – we are not allowed to perform like that. The intensity was missing . You can’t make it that easy for the Berliners here. We had a long week without a game, we should actually get out of here like the fire department. ”

Berlin’s Zachary Boychuk after the 2nd third: “It’s a close game. We have to finish the 6-point away task.” When asked how much strength there is still in the team in 24 hours after the second game, Boychuk said: “This is an experienced team. We feel good.”

The PENNY DEL live daily at MagentaSport

Saturday, February 13th, 2021

From 5.15 p.m .: ERC Ingolstadt – Straubing Tigers

Sunday, 02/14/2021

From 2.15 p.m .: Schwenninger Wild Wings – Nürnberg Ice Tigers

From 4.45 p.m .: Pinguins Bremerhaven – Düsseldorfer EG

From 7.15 p.m .: Krefeld Penguins – Grizzlies Wolfsburg

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Jörg Krause
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Car: 0170 22 680 24

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