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▷ PENNY DEL live at MagentaSport – Munich a strong third is enough / Augsburg …

06.03.2021 – 10:31


Munich (ots)

A third of full throttle hockey is enough for EHC Red Bull Munich in a 5-0 win against the last Nuremberg. The Augsburg Panthers show what special features this season delivers and how the clubs deal with them. The most recent additions are, despite tough economic constraints, a sheer necessity, explained main shareholder Lothar Sigl: “We want to remain competitive. For that we need a little staff in the dressing room.” The Panthers in the PENNY DEL with a view to the March program could not survive only with offspring. “In every game you have to have people on the ice who have reached a certain level. It’s always the balancing act between support and excessive demands,” said Sigl. The further development of the team remains a process in Augsburg – against Ingolstadt the Panthers lost 4-7, penultimate in the south group.

The following are the most important voices from the Friday games in the PENNY DEL – if you use them, please name the source MagentaSport. Mannheim will play in Straubing from 5.15 p.m. today, the polar bears will play against Iserlohn from 4.45 p.m. tomorrow. All the PENNY DEL games are live at MagentaSport.

Augsburger Panther – ERC Ingolstadt 4: 7 – The ERC Ingolstadt wins a wild target shooting 7: 4 at the Augsburg Panthers and keeps the Schwenninger Wild Wings at a distance. 39 points mean 3rd place and the best chances for the playoffs. Ingolstadt coach Doug Shedden on the many goals conceded: “Our young goalie hasn’t played much this season and we thought we’d throw him in today. He had a tough start but was able to fight his way in and gave us the chance to win. ”

The Augsburg Panthers remain 2 points behind the playoff places and slide down to 6th place. Coach Tray Tuomie on the poor defensive performance and the 4th defeat in a row: “We weren’t hard enough on the body. We play against a really fast team that can switch. They showed that … Letting 7 goals in is not a nice thing, but we also scored 4. We have to take that positively with us. We weren’t able to take the lead again after equalizing or taking the lead. It was a game with many goals … We have to keep working hard now. There are still many games this season. We now have 4 in a row lost, but we also won games. We know we can win games and we will do that too. ”

Ingolstadt’s Louis-Marc Aubry after a 6: 4 in the second period: “It’s a very offensive game. Both sides have many chances. We are currently in the lead, but we have to get stronger on the defensive. Hopefully we will keep it.”

Augsburg’s Scott Valentine after a 3-2 break in the first third break: “Of course it’s nice for the fans. We can obviously be better in the defensive zone. Ingolstadt moves the puck very well and has scored its goals. We use our speed, create their own chances and score when it counts. “

“New ones have nothing to do with the play-offs”

Augsburg’s main shareholder Lothar Sigl has explained the player and transfer policy at MagentaSport over the past few weeks. Surprise that a club “affords” newcomers this Corona season – replies Sigl: “It didn’t really have anything to do with the playoffs. It’s a decision that was due to our overall personnel situation. We have had a handful of injured players for weeks. We can’t make it today despite two new players on the ice, That is why we were urged to expand within the scope of our possibilities and what the market has to offer and to ensure depth in the squad … It was a decision that was made for the team, for the fans and for them Sponsorship was urgently needed. We want to remain competitive and competitive. For that we need a little staff in the dressing room. ”

Why the signings were possible, even though players have to forego their salary: “It is of course an extraordinary situation. We have already stuck to the agreements with the players from the history of this season. But it was communicated from the start that we have the opportunity to catch up if there is a need. We have the season with 5 players requiring transfer cards. Other clubs are already in December with the full band this season. We always did this in a transparent exchange with the team and were glad that we still had 4 licenses free in the foreigner area, that we are now at all can still reload. Otherwise it would have become thin now. ”

Funds for newcomers “painstakingly acquired”

On the subject of wage waiver: “What has now been invested here is money that we have painstakingly acquired over the last few weeks and have discussed it with the players anyway. The players are in the same boat as us. Everyone wants to be successful, everyone wants to win. Everyone realized that we urgently need help with the thin team. ”

He does not consider it sensible to only use young players: “I think it would not have been a good decision to throw them into this steel bath DEL now. When I think of our schedule from mid-March onwards, it’s not time for young players. In every game you have to have people on the ice who have reached a certain level. That is always the balancing act between support and excessive demands. ”

EHC Red Bull Munich – Nürnberg Ice Tigers 5: 0 – “So lala”

EHC Red Bull Munich rolled over Nuremberg in the last third and won 5-0 with confidence. With 43 points, Munich are still in second place in the table. Maximilian Kastner analyzed: “We only showed our best game at the end. The first 40 minutes were so so from us. We did our job, but we weren’t really consistent. That’s why it was 1-0 up to the 40th minute. In the last third we just wanted to give it all again and we did it. ”

Nuremberg’s Tim Bender was angry after the defeat: “We played well for 40 minutes and then broke in again. That was already the case against Schwenningen, or the last games, where we kept up well and then failed so much in the last third. Then that’s how results come together.”

Nürnberg’s Max Kislinger after a 0: 1 after the second third: “That’s OK. I think we’ve been playing much better ice hockey in the last 5 or 6 games. In the first third we took a few too many penalties. We were punished straight away … The second third was better and now we have to cleverly add it in the last third and see what comes out of it. ”

Munich’s Trevor Parkes after a 1-0 victory in the first period: “We knew that Nürnberg would come out very hard … They are a good hockey club. You have to come here and do what we do and score the next goal.”

The 24th matchday of the PENNY DEL Live at MagentaSport

Saturday, March 6th, 2021

From 5.15 p.m .: Straubing Tigers – Adler Mannheim

Sunday, March 7th, 2021

From 2.15 p.m .: Krefeld Penguins – Düsseldorfer EG

From 4.45 p.m .: Eisbären Berlin – Iserlohn Roosters

From 7.15 p.m .: Pinguins Bremerhaven – Grizzlys Wolfsburg

Press contact:

Jörg Krause
Mail: [email protected]
Car: 0170 22 680 24

Original content by: MagentaSport, transmitted by news aktuell

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