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- Düsseldorf table ~ and payment amounts.pdf
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This is how those liable for maintenance react to the Düsseldorf table, which will apply from January 2021. “How am I supposed to pay more maintenance ??? I can not anymore. Short-time work is the order of the day, but I still have to pay € 900 maintenance every month. I haven’t seen the children for 27 months because their father refuses to allow them to make contact. It is enough! I am also allowed to live. But from what? ”This is a tweet from a dependent mother. It speaks to millions of dependents from the soul.
According to the new Düsseldorf table, child support will again be increased disproportionately on January 1, 2021. The minimum maintenance in the first age group, 0-5 years, increases from 369 to 393 euros, in the second age group, 6-11 years, from 424 to 451 euros, in the third age group, 12-17 years, from 497 to 528 EURO and for children of legal age from 530 to 564 EURO. The maintenance amounts in the other income groups will increase accordingly by 6.50 percent. The necessary one
Personal use, deductible, remains at 1160 euros for those who are employed and 960 euros for those who are not employed. “The increase in height is not justified. Child maintenance and deductibles should be adjusted in parallel, after all, the costs of those liable for maintenance also increase, ”demands the ISUV chairman, attorney Klaus Zimmer.
“Especially now in the crisis, this increase will not only lead to considerable stress for the unemployed, short-time workers and self-employed people. The fact that the deductible has not been adjusted has met with criticism from many members, especially in the first four income groups. This elevation really hurts you. If there are also legal and / or expert fees, which are increased by 10 percent on January 1st, it hurts twice, ”says ISUV press spokesman Josef Linsler.
ISUV therefore advises those affected: Dependents should react flexibly, in the end it is clear that if someone earns 30 or even 40 percent less, they cannot pay as much maintenance as before. “Unity saves money and is easy on your nerves, especially now. A squeezed lemon doesn’t give more juice, no matter how hard you squeeze it. Caution is required right now with quick seizures. Sometimes they come to nothing, contribute to the hardening of the situation and have already cost many a maintenance person their job, ”Linsler points out.
The association refers to the figures from the Federal Statistical Office: According to this, the average net income of all employees in 2019 was EUR 2,079 per month, which is an annual net of EUR 24,948. If a subordinate pays minimum maintenance for two children between the ages of 12 and 14, he / she has to transfer EUR 10,056 per year. He / she has 14,892 euros left for his / her own needs. “It is therefore not surprising that those liable for maintenance ask themselves whether it is still worth working for it. Work has to be worthwhile. We demand a wage gap requirement of 300 EURO, thus increasing the necessary personal requirements – “deductible”. Politicians are challenged, ”demands Linsler.
Justice Minister Lambrecht sounds autocratic: “The increase in the minimum maintenance is necessary so that authorities and courts can assume the correct assessment basis for child maintenance. I want to make sure that our children have all the resources they need to meet their daily needs. ”This is not allowed to apply at ISUV. “The daily needs can be covered very well with the maintenance amounts including child benefit. It is always about clientele policy for single parents, about pacifying the social and poverty trumpets, who from year to year with little or no work at the expense of working people obviously not get through life so badly. Not enough, before the child support will hopefully reach the children, it will be taxed heavily, then mothers and fathers with tax class I who are obliged to pay support will be ripped off like childless “, criticizes Linsler.
The association demands that the “phantom demand and calculation of needs”, which is not questioned and cited as a narrative from year to year in order to reach into the pockets of those liable for maintenance, be questioned, made transparent and put “upside down”.
ISUV – Kompetenz im Familienrecht seit über 40 Jahren
Der ISUV vertritt als größte deutsche und überparteiliche Solidargemeinschaft die Interessen von Bürgern, die von Trennung, Scheidung und den damit zusammenhängenden Fragen und Problemen - elterliche Sorge, gemeinsame Elternschaft trotz Trennung, Umgangsrecht, Unterhalt für Kinder und ehemaligen Eheatten, Vermögensausgleich Ausgleich der Rentenansprüche - betroffen sind. ISUV ist unabhängig, bundesweit organisiert und als gemeinnützige Organisation anerkannt. Der ISUV finanziert sich ausschließlich durch Mitgliedsbeiträge und Spenden. Unterstützen Sie unser Anliegen durch Ihre Mitgliedschaft und Ihre Spenden.
ISUV-Bundesgeschäftsstelle, Postfach 210107, 90119 Nürnberg, Tel. 0911/55 04 78, – [email protected]
ISUV-Vorsitzender RA Klaus Zimmer, Augustinerplatz 2, 79098 Freiburg, 0761/23455, [email protected]
ISUV-Pressesprecher, Josef Linsler, Moltkestraße 22a, 97318 Kitzingen, Tel. 09321/9279671 – [email protected]
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