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▷ Love things to send by WhatsApp: phrases, poems, videos, GIF …

Love is the order of the day and in times of coronavirus it is more necessary than ever. Precisely due to the social distance imposed by current sanitary conditions, a good way to show our love is by sending phrases, poems, videos and GIFs through applications such as WhatsApp or Telegram. On this occasion we have collected several love things to send on WhatsApp in 2021.

Love phrases to send by WhatsApp

Short phrases, to copy and paste, of unrequited love, for states, of impossible love, beautiful, of forbidden love, for my girlfriend long and beautiful, for my boyfriend, to say good morning … Because a good phrase can brighten anyone’s day.

“You are my reason to smile every day.”

“Some birds when they fall in love they stay together for life. We fly together?”

“My life is mine. But the heart… It’s yours. The smile is mine. But the reason … is you. “

“I like you. Only you. Nobody else.”

“A flower cannot grow without sun, just as a man cannot live without love.”

“Hearing your voice, even for a little while, already counts as a gift.”

“My happiness is priceless, but it has your name.”

“I am the happiest person in the world when you say ‘hello’ or smile at me, because I know that, even if it was for just a second, you have thought of me.”

“If I could be a part of you, I would choose to be your tears. Because your tears are conceived in your heart, they are born in your eyes, they live on your cheeks and they die on your lips. “

“Wanting to be cold, I melt as soon as I touch your skin.”

“Give me your hand. We are going to go around the world. “

“It took me a minute to meet you, but it will take me a lifetime to get to forget you.”

“I want our love to not have a happy ending, because I just don’t want it to have an ending.”

“I would swim the entire sea, I would cross the entire land, just to get closer and tell you how much I love you.”

“It would be enough for me to live in your heart, so, if I were to die, you would remember me every time you see in your heart.”

“Our eyes intertwined, showing what our hearts were hiding.”

“There can be thousands of skies with millions of stars but for me you will always be the star that I like the most.”

“She never said anything and although he spoke, he did not answer anything, but his hands and eyes shone speaking from the heart, and that was enough.”

“We are bra-like friends: we are there to come together and hold each other.”

“Just as I could never change the blue of the sky, I could never change how I feel about you.”

“Don’t let anyone take away your chance to have a perfect day. I love you!”

“And even if the storms come, I know that if I am by your side we will overcome them together.”

“You can be away from my eyes, but never from my thoughts.”

“Do you need to start the day right? Stop for a second, I’m sending you a hug. Good day.”

“Even your flaws are perfect for the heart that is destined to love you.”

“We have lived so many things together but we have never said anything to each other, not a single word and yet we are still together.”

“The most beautiful. The beauty that makes me fall in love. The only one that matters to me. “

“And what is love? Just what I feel when I see you. “

“I’ll be brief: I love you.”

If you think about that person even at night that is good love.

How nice it is to spend time with you, it seems that nothing else matters and it is very true, I only care about you.

I love you with hope because hope is the last thing that dies. I love how my heart dictates, could I live in your heart? Do you at least think of me as I think of you? I love you and always will.

Love letters are written without even knowing what to say, but they end up feeling it all.

I’m glad it’s you, after all I’ve always been waiting for a person like you.

“I am going to love you with everything I have, so never forget me and take me in your heart.

You are you and I will always like you for the way you are.

“You were, are and will always be my most beautiful coincidence.”

“Even being imperfect and with bad temper you are the best of my friends.”

“A good marriage is one in which two people constantly fall in love with each other.”

“We are friends, we will never leave, we are crazy and we will continue there.”

“Thank you for crying my sorrows and laughing my joys.”

“You are a thief because you have stolen my heart.”

“I would choose you a million more times.”

“I want three things: see you, hug you and kiss you.”

“My favorite place is in your arms.”

“I don’t love you for how you are but for how I am when I am with you.”

“Every morning I thank God for putting people like you in my path.”

Another day, another alone, another smile, another hope. Thanks to you I can smile every day. Good morning my love!”

“The most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or touched, they can only be felt with the heart.”

“Although we are far away, in reality we are not, close your eyes and feel me in the bottom of your heart.”

“I will make you never forget me, I will make you never stop loving you and if it is true that with time all love dies, I will stop the time between the two.”

“I think about the love of my life and I realize that they have your first and last name.”

“I just wanted to think about you, I ended up wanting to be with you.”

“I look at that star and it reminds me of the promise we made, to always be together.”

“Although it seems that true loves no longer exist, they exist in our hearts, love ourselves.”

“Loves like ours will last for eternity, because we had precious moments that we can never forget.”

“I only care about one person, I only care about you.

“My look tells you everything that my lips do not dare to tell you.”

“My eyes are full of wanting to see you.”

Love poems to send by WhatsApp

Poetry is still the best resource to declare our love to our loved ones. Poems for WhatsApp statuses, short love, for my girlfriend short and pretty … Any excuse is valid.

“How could I not think of you, if I miss you? How could I not dream of you, if you are my protective angel? How could I not want you, if I only feel love for you? ”

“The little birds are sad when the sky is cloudy. The same thing happens to me when I’m not by your side. “

“Don’t forget that day, don’t forget that moment, from our first kiss, I have you in my heart.”

“It is not necessary to write sentences by Neruda or verses by Bécquer, you just have to see my heart, which is dying to see you.”

“I will not belong to anyone, only you. Until my bones turn to ashes and my heart stops beating. “

“The sun may be eternally cloudy, the sea may dry up in an instant, the axis of the earth may break like a weak glass, everything will happen! Death may cover me with its funereal crepe, but the flame of your love will never be extinguished in me. “

“Why live if you are not in my life? You complete me, my dear. I never imagined that I could love like this, I thank God for having met you. “

“You light up my life, you take care of me every day and I love you more every day.”

“If loving you were a sin, my sentence would pay on the condition that even while in jail they would never force me to forget you.”

“You will always be my beginning, my end, the person with whom destiny united me and with whom I always want to be.”

“I’m afraid of losing the wonder of your eyes and your warm smile for dedicating these words to you that take my breath away, killing me and giving me life.”

“The color of the sunset is beautiful, but not even the Sun is comparable to the brightness of your eyes.”

“Cover me, love, the roof of my mouth with that rapturous foam, which is jasmine that tastes like and burns, sprouted from rock coral.”

“Love of my entrails, long live death, I wait in vain for your written word and I think, with the flower that withers, that if I live without me I want to lose you.”

“I know that I will love you without questions, I know that you will love me without answers.”

“Hopefully you also feel the same as me. If you read each verse, each poem, you would see how much I miss you, how much I suffer for your love. “

“My land? You are my land. My people? My people are you. Exile and death for me are where you are not. And my life? Tell me, my life, what is it, if it is not you? “

Love videos to send on WhatsApp

Short videos of love, of messages of love, of love and friendship, to dedicate to my girlfriend, to say good morning … Because sometimes, only sometimes, the combination of some beautiful words with a good soundtrack can make a person smile. colder heart.

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Video to dedicate to a true love.
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Video to dedicate to the love of my life.
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Video would consist of love to dedicate.
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Video to dedicate to my boyfriend or my girlfriend.
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Short video of love to send on WhatsApp.
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Nice love video to send by WhatsApp.
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Video with beautiful phrases to dedicate.
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Video to dedicate to your love.
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Video to dedicate to our love.
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Video with phrases to dedicate for WhatsApp.
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Video with phrases to fall in love with.
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Video with the best love phrases.

GIF of love to send by WhatsApp

GIF images are still an important part of the Internet to send love dedications or simple beautiful words to say good morning. To this we must add that both WhatsApp and Telegram are compatible with this type of files, so we will not have any problem when sending them to our partner, boyfriend or girlfriend.

Other news about … WhatsApp

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