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▷ Long weekend: Excursions can end in traffic jam / ADAC traffic forecast for 20 …

May 18, 2020 – 09:37


Munich (ots)

Motorists can expect traffic jams on the long weekend of Ascension. The streets will not get as crowded as on the Ascension Weekends of previous years – the Corona crisis is still severely restricting national travel. Nevertheless, the highways, especially in the metropolitan areas, are at times very congested. And at more than 670 construction sites, drivers have to be patient anyway.

For many, the weekend starts on Wednesday afternoon, May 20th. The club is therefore expecting the first traffic jam peak on Wednesday from around 1 p.m. to 7 p.m. In the federal states of Berlin, Bremen, Mecklenburg-West Pomerania, Lower Saxony, Saxony, Schleswig-Holstein and Thuringia, the day after the holiday, Friday, May 22, is officially free of school. As in previous years, employees of other federal states could also take this bridge day off. There are also drivers from Hamburg and Saxony-Anhalt on the way. In Hamburg the holidays end, in Saxony-Anhalt they last another week.

Motorists can expect to encounter trucks on public holidays and also on Sundays. The usual ban on Sundays and public holidays for trucks was lifted during the Corona crisis.

The return trip wave will peak on Sunday from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. It will be relatively quiet on the highways in Germany on Friday.

The ADAC expects the greatest congestion risk on the following motorways:

– Major roads to and from the coast

– Greater Hamburg, Berlin, Cologne, Frankfurt, Stuttgart, Munich

– A 1 Cologne – Bremen – Hamburg – Lübeck

– A 2 Berlin – Hanover – Dortmund

– A 3 Cologne – Frankfurt – Würzburg – Nuremberg

– A 4 Kirchheim triangle – Erfurt – Chemnitz – Dresden

– A 5 Hattenbach triangle – Darmstadt – Karlsruhe

– A 6 Mannheim – Heilbronn – Nuremberg

– A 7 Hamburg – Hanover and Würzburg – Füssen / Reutte

– A 7 Hamburg – Flensburg

– A 8 Karlsruhe – Stuttgart – Munich – Salzburg

– A 9 Munich – Nuremberg – Berlin

– A 93 Inntal triangle – Kufstein

– A 95 / B 2 Munich – Garmisch-Partenkirchen

Controls at the German borders have been gradually relaxed since mid-May. At the crossings between Austria and Germany there are only random checks, at the borders with Luxembourg they have been completely eliminated. Citizens should continue to do without tourist trips abroad in the coming weeks. Details on the topic at https://bit.ly/adac_grenzen_corona.

Press contact:

ADAC communication
T +49 89 76 76 54 95
[email protected]

Original content from: ADAC, transmitted by news aktuell

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