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▷ LKA-BW: Reich citizens’ scene: searches in Baden-Württemberg and Hesse

05/27/2020 – 17:52

State Criminal Police Office Baden-Württemberg

A document

Stuttgart (ots)

Joint press release from the Stuttgart Public Prosecutor’s Office, Karlsruhe Public Prosecutor’s Office and the Baden-Württemberg State Criminal Police Office (LKA)

Guns, dangerous items, fake documents, hundreds of blank forms and drugs were found in large quantities in the course of today’s search measures for people belonging to the imperial citizens’ scene.

In the early morning hours, forces from the Hesse and Baden-Württemberg police searched 25 apartments owned by so-called Reich citizens. At the same time, the LKA obliged two web hosting providers to provide the relevant data about the accused. The public prosecutors in Karlsruhe and Stuttgart accuse the 34 accused of, among other things, commercial document forgery and property damage. They are said to have forged or produced passports, driver’s licenses and certificates of nationality and to have sent faxes to the authorities in masses with denial of the state.

The emergency services seized marijuana and amphetamines in large quantities. There was a marijuana plantation in one apartment. In addition, the investigators seized weapons of various types: bows and arrows, machetes, twins with steel bullets, hand guns, firearm ammunition and a crossbow with telescopic sight. One person had 200 knives with a fixed blade, 190 axes and 520 folding and one-handed knives. The investigators also secured numerous documents for the citizens of the Reich, including blank documents, embossing and labeling devices. With these tools and devices, the Reich Citizens’ Scene creates illegal documents and circulates them. In addition to fantasy documents, the emergency services also confiscated large sums of cash. One suspect had stashed 10,000 silver shillings in the apartment. The regional police headquarters will now view and evaluate the evidence.

The regional distribution of the objects: – four objects in the district of Breisgau-Hochschwarzwald – one object in the district of Lörrach – one object in the district of Waldshut – two objects in the district of Karlsruhe – three objects in the district of Konstanz – one object in the Black Forest-Baar district – two objects in the Enz district – three objects in the Rhine Neckar-Kreis – one object Heidelberg – three objects Ortenaukreis – one object Kreis Tübingen – one object Kreis Reutlingen – one object Kreis Ulm – one object Wetteraukreis (Hessen)

The accused are leading members and members of the Reich Citizens’ Organizations “Republic of Baden” and “Free People’s State of Württemberg” and their umbrella organization “Federation of States of the German Reich”. The LKA cooperated in this search campaign with the police headquarters in Freiburg, Karlsruhe, Constance, Mannheim, Offenburg, Pforzheim, Reutlingen and Ulm. The Police Headquarters Mission also supported this measure with evidence preservation and arrest units and a special task force. In Hessen, forces were also deployed from a state protection agency of the local state criminal police office as well as an evidence preservation and arrest unit. More than 450 officers were deployed at the head.

Questions to:

Press information:
Public prosecutor’s office in Stuttgart
Press office
Mr. Römhild
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: 0711-921 4400

Public prosecutor’s office in Karlsruhe
Press office
Mr. Heim
Telephone: 0721-926 6019

State Criminal Police Office Baden-Württemberg
Press office
Mr. Eggert
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: 0711-5401 3212

Original content by: Landeskriminalamt Baden-Württemberg, transmitted by news aktuell

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