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▷ HZA-KR: Customs stop the export of illegal waste / electronic waste should go to Albania …

23.03.2021 – 11:44

Main customs office Krefeld

A document

Krefeld (ots)

On March 19, 2021, a company registered household appliances for export to Albania at the Mönchengladbach customs office. According to the export documents submitted, all electronic devices should be in a usable condition.

The customs officers from Mönchengladbach focused on the export declaration due to the submitted invoice, which showed a unit price of less than 20 euros for functional washing machines and electric stoves.

The subsequent review of the presented cargo confirmed the suspected false declaration. The electronic devices, especially from a German premium manufacturer, were stacked on top of each other on the loading area without outer packaging and showed strong signs of use and rust as well as heavy soiling. No device was functional, which would have been absolutely necessary, since only then can it be exported.

To distinguish whether it is a used and functional electrical device or waste, the owner must provide separate evidence for each package in the shipment. In addition to the purchase invoice, the test protocol for the functionality of the device must also be submitted, according to the press spokesman for the main customs office in Krefeld, Rainer Wanzke.

The exporter’s objection that the cargo was a return of old appliances from an electrical retailer in the region did not result in a release for export.

After consultation with the market surveillance authority responsible for waste matters, the district government of Düsseldorf, the export had to be prohibited.

236 washing machines and 64 electric stoves are now sent to an approved waste recycling center and disposed of properly. The exporter expects an investigation into the violation of the Waste Shipment Act.

Please send any questions to:

Main customs office Krefeld
Press officer
Rainer Wanzke
Telephone: 02151-850 10 600
E-Mail: [email protected]

Original content from: Hauptzollamt Krefeld, transmitted by news aktuell

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