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▷ Free of charge against Corona and pro vaccination! / komm.passion offers companies internal …

16.02.2021 – 09:00

komm.passion GmbH Düsseldorf

Düsseldorf / Hamburg / Berlin (ots)

After initial difficulties in procurement, the subject of corona vaccination is picking up speed again. Successful vaccination campaigns have started internationally. Now, in addition to all the factual and specialist information, positive momentum is needed in Germany. The management consultancy and creative agency komm.passion wants to support the company with an internal campaign – completely free of charge.

There are various motifs and a film behind the campaign, which can be used without obligation and free of charge and, if desired, even with the company logo inserted. “It’s that easy for every company to show responsibility and become an ambassador,” says Jelena Mirkovic, managing partner at komm.passion. “Because what enormous emphasis could be achieved if companies, associations and organizations in Germany include the topic of vaccination in their internal communication, enter into a dialogue and thus give the topic an unprecedented level of visibility?”

Companies on the cutting edge: what do employees expect?

At the beginning of the pandemic, in the second half of March 2020, the Bertelsmann Foundation conducted a representative survey on the subject of “Responsibility and Commitment” among employees. In essence, it shows that the people in the companies want their employers to actively participate in solving social problems and are also ready to make their contribution. Against this background, it is all the more clear that companies today can possibly contribute more than ever to reminding employees of their own responsibility – both in their role as role models and as multipliers.

You can find the film, the motifs and further information on Germany’s largest internal vaccination campaign on the Internet https://www.komm-passion.de/agentur/impfkampagne.

Press contact:

Jelena Mirkovic
Managing Partner
komm.passion GmbH
Phone: 040/42 32 40 – 83
Email: [email protected]

Original content from: komm.passion GmbH Düsseldorf, transmitted by news aktuell

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