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▷ Covid-19 vaccinations: BG BAU participates in a model project for craft businesses in …

14.06.2021 – 10:00

BG BAU trade association for the construction industry

Berlin (ots)

On June 15, 2021, a model project to vaccinate workers in craft businesses will start in Baden-Württemberg. The professional association of the construction industry (BG BAU) is there with its occupational health service (AMD) and vaccinates employees in the construction industry. The model project is carried out by the Baden-Württemberg Crafts Day (BWHT) and funded by the Baden-Württemberg Ministry for Social Affairs and Integration. The aim of the project is to gain knowledge about how vaccination offers can be made easily to small and medium-sized companies.

The prioritization of vaccinations was lifted on June 7th, and company doctors have been able to vaccinate employees since then. But unlike large companies, small and medium-sized companies often do not have their own company doctors to offer their employees a vaccination. That means alternative solutions have to be found. This is where the model project of the Baden-Württemberg Crafts Day (BWHT), which is funded by the Ministry for Social Affairs and Integration Baden-Württemberg. BG BAU is participating in the project with its AMD and a model for vaccinating employees of smaller companies in the construction industry.

The AMD of the BG BAU is decentralized and can offer small companies nationwide a limited range of vaccinations. “BG BAU has been supporting its member companies on site since the beginning of the pandemic, but also with information and practical aids. That is why our AMD also offers additional vaccinations – as far as this is possible within the framework of the legal mandate and vaccine availability”, says Hansjörg Schmidt-Kraepelin, Deputy General Manager of BG BAU.

Thomas Möller, General Manager of the Baden-Württemberg Construction Industry and Chairman of the BG BAU Representative Assembly, emphasizes: “The construction industry is shaped by many small companies. They do not have the same infrastructure as large companies – so they need our support. I am pleased that BG As part of the model project, BAU with its AMD is taking on the task of vaccinating vaccination doses quickly and unbureaucratically to construction workers. Currently, only limited quantities of vaccines are available. And in the future, vaccination can only be an additional offer of BG BAU. Nevertheless, the model project is an important signal to keep small and medium-sized companies in view. ”

With the model project, the AMD of BG BAU is also gaining experience in carrying out its own vaccinations, which began nationwide on June 9th. The AMD centers participate with up to 60 vaccination teams in increasing the vaccination rate and thus actively support companies in the construction industry.

Further information on vaccinations is available on the BG BAU website at Corona vaccination: what you should know now | BG BAU – professional association for the construction industry

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Background – BG BAU

BG BAU is the statutory accident insurance for the construction industry and construction-related services and thus an important pillar of the German social security system. It looks after around 2.9 million insured persons in over 500,000 companies and around 50,000 private construction projects.

As part of its statutory mandate, BG BAU promotes occupational health and safety in the workplace in order to avoid occupational accidents and diseases. If there are accidents at work and occupational diseases, BG BAU offers comprehensive medical care and rehabilitation with all appropriate means. It also ensures that those affected are reintegrated into professional and social life and provides financial compensation.

More information at www.bgbau.de

Press contact:

Susanne Diehr
Phone: 030 85781-690
Email: [email protected]

BG BAU – press office
Hildegardstrasse 29/30
10715 Berlin

Original content from: BG BAU trade association for the construction industry, transmitted by news aktuell

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