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▷ Brilliant annual results from “heute show” and “ZDF Magazin Royale” / satirical …

15.12.2020 – 12:13


MainzMainz (ots)

Hard lockdown as the end of a gurged year: In the last “heute-show” of the year, Oliver Welke will report on Friday, December 18, 2020, at 10:45 p.m. on ZDF about the current status of pandemic management and Donald Trump’s surreal fight an officially confirmed voter vote.

As part of the festive awarding of the “Goldenen Vollpfosten 2020”, Oliver Welke looks back on the other events of a grueling year. He is supported by Birte Schneider (Christine Prayon), Christian Ehring, Gernot Hassknecht (Hans-Joachim Heist), Ulrich von Heesen (Dietrich Hollinderbäumer), Ralf Kabelka, Fabian Köster, Sebastian Pufpaff and Friedemann Weise.

This is followed by “ZDF Magazin Royale” with Jan Böhmermann at 11.30 pm. The last edition of the year ends with no less than a world premiere: the exceptional French musician Woodkid presents his new single “Highway 27” in an elaborate augmented reality performance. Woodkid will appear in the studio as a 4D model and play live with the Ehrenfeld radio dance orchestra. “Technically, I don’t understand anything, but I’m really looking forward to it,” says Jan Böhmermann.

In the “satirical review of the year 2020” at midnight, the “Frontal 21” satire authors Werner Doyé and Andreas Wiemers then ask the crucial questions at the end of the year: When will Transport Minister Andreas Scheuer be quarantined? Does ex-Chancellor Gerhard Schröder keep the minimum distance to his friend Vladimir Putin? And how does Finance Minister Scholz react when Christian Lindner offers him the FDP for sale? The two “Frontal 21” satellite authors present the highlights of human coexistence in 2020 in their own way.

Stefan Unglaube ("heute-show" und "ZDF Magazin Royale"), Telefon: 06131 - 70-12186;
Thomas Hagedorn ("Satirischer Jahresrückblick"), Telefon: 06131 - 70-13802;
Presse-Desk, Telefon: 06131 - 70-12108, [email protected] 

Photos are available from ZDF Press and Information, phone: 06131 – 70-16100, and from https://presseportal.zdf.de//presse/heuteshow such as https://presseportal.zdf.de/presse/zdfmagazinroyale


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Phone: + 49-6131-70-12121

Original content from: ZDF, transmitted by news aktuell

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