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▷ BOC Group is rethinking the ADONIS experience with ADONIS 11.0

09.12.2020 – 09:30

BOC Products & Services AG

Berlin and Vienna and Winterthur, SwitzerlandBerlin and Vienna and Winterthur, Switzerland, April 23 / PRNewswire

With unique breakthroughs in usability, capabilities and performance, the latest release of ADONIS changes GPM forever and for everyone

BOC Group revealed today ADONIS 11.0, a comprehensive update of their GPM suite with a breathtaking new design of the user interface in all areas and a completely new user experience. The transformation of the user interface and user experience is changing the way ADONIS interacts with each step by making each step more direct and intuitive than ever before, and as a result provides a faster and easier way to operate GPM for everyone. Especially in times like these, when optimized and flexible business practices are paramount, the current innovations provide a great opportunity to involve employees, achieve greater process acceptance and together help maintain business continuity and resilience in the current crisis.

“ADONIS 11.0 marks an exciting new beginning for everyone who uses ADONIS. The incomparable simplicity makes the daily work seem incredibly seamless and natural, which makes your entire GPM experience even rounder and more pleasant than ever. I think that will not only be transform the way in which those involved previously operate GPM, but also inspire significantly more people to actively promote GPM in their company.“, says Tobias Rausch, ADONIS product manager.

In addition, the latest version brings a number of other improvements, such as the SIPOC widget for process insights dashboards, which helps to grasp the big picture at a glance and to understand the context of the processes more quickly.

You can find a detailed insight into the current release on the BOC Group Website.

BOC Group encourages all interested parties to use the new ADONIS as an opportunity to use free ADONIS: Community Edition Experience the next level BPM first hand.

About BOC Group

BOC Group develops software products and services for effective and comprehensive corporate management in times of digital transformation. Our strengths lie in expanding the capabilities for enterprise architecture and business process management as well as in improving governance, risk and compliance in order to prepare companies as best as possible for audits.

To customers around the world ADONIS trust, include Airbus, Allianz, Emerson, Generali, Hilti, Rewe and Telefonica, among others.

With locations in Athens, Berlin, Dublin, Madrid, Paris, Warsaw, Vienna and Winterthur, we stand by our customers with over 200 employees and more than 90 partners all over the world.

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Press contact:

BOC Austria
Mag. Gerhard Schweng
Market Development Manager
+43-1-905 10 81-0
[email protected]

BOC Germany
Anna Mohn
Head of Marketing and Communication
[email protected]

BOC Switzerland
Giovanni Rotondaro
Business Development Manager
+41-52-26 03 75-0
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Original content by: BOC Products & Services AG, transmitted by news aktuell

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