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••• The councils soon set up

For all, the situation can no longer last in the state. Like everyone, I hope that the installation of the new boards will take place very quickly, says Sylvie Aubert. There is a legitimate impatience in this period of crisis. To carry all these new announcements or to come, it is good that an executive is in place. There is an expectation from new readers who want to make themselves useful.

scientific Council

The ball is now in the court of the scientific council which will give its opinion to leave the hand to the legislator who must act quickly. According to the law of March 23, establishing the state of emergency, the scientific council must report, no later than May 23, to indicate two things to parliamentarians, explains Sacha Houli, LREM MP from Vienne. First, see if we can before the end of June install the municipal councils read in the first round on March 15. This point is not in doubt: the new mayors and their council will take up their duties between the end of May and mid-June. Derogations will probably be enshrined in law so that councils can meet exceptionally. For example Saint-Benot, Bernard Peterlongo informed me that this installation would be done in La Hune and not in the town hall whose room is too small.

Second round:
June 21 or nothing

So much for the effective taking up of office of the new mayors and executives read on March 15. It gets harder in the communes where there is a waiver like Poitiers or Buxerolles. The scientific council will also tell us if the second rounds provided for in the law on June 21 can take place on this date, Sacha Houli continues. In all likelihood, it’s an open secret, we should not be able to make these second rounds for many reasons (health risks, electoral campaigns, filing lists) and especially because the French have something else in mind. However, the Council of State, during its examination of the bill of March 23, warned that in the event of impossibility of setting up these second towers before the summer, it would be necessary to start all over again. And that’s what’s going to happen!

In September 2020
or in March2021

We can imagine the consequences. There will be the deposit of new lists for the first round and the launch of a campaign, projects Sacha Houli. It will also be necessary to fix in the law, by the end of the month, the modalities but also the date of these new elections. The preferred calendar for this new election is late September-early October, but it is also possible that the new municipal elections will be held in March 2020.
This probable postponement entails another consequence according to the deputy of Vienne.

Towards executives
for EPCI (1)

We are going to have EPCIs (community of communes, agglomeration community, etc.) which will have to function temporarily with community delegates read in their communes in the first round and others unread because they are on the ballot or not a candidate. March 15, 2020. There should therefore be a temporary president and office for several months for these EPCIs. For the moment, it is not known whether there will be conditions laid down in the law. We can estimate that a temporary president has more legitimacy if he was read in the first round …
This scenario arises for the President of Grand Poitiers, Alain Claeys, who was on waivers on March 15 and candidates for his own succession as head of Poitiers and Grand Poitiers.

(1) public establishments for inter-municipal cooperation.

L. L.

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