Home » today » Sport » Килиан Мбаппе может переехать в Саудовскую Аравию согласно предложению «Аль-Хиляля»

Килиан Мбаппе может переехать в Саудовскую Аравию согласно предложению «Аль-Хиляля»

24-year-old forward of⁤ French “PSG” Kylian⁢ Mbappe’s environment and close people are ready to move​ to Saudi ⁤Arabia, accepting the offer from‍ “Al-Hilal”.

According to Gianluca Di Marzio, Mbappe himself is “contemplating” and has not yet decided on his ‌future.

Earlier, it became known that “Al-Hilal” offered “PSG” 300 million euros for Mbappe’s transfer, and the Parisian management agreed to ‌such⁤ conditions. As for the salary, Mbappe will receive 400 million euros per year.
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How⁤ would Mbappe’s potential​ transfer to Al-Hilal in Saudi Arabia impact both PSG and Al-Hilal,​ considering the significant financial terms involved

24-year-old French forward Kylian Mbappe’s future is currently up in the air as reports suggest he is considering a move to Saudi Arabia. The popular player, who currently plays for Paris Saint-Germain (PSG), has received an offer from ‌Al-Hilal, ​and it seems that his⁣ environment and close circle of people are ⁤supportive of the potential move.

Italian journalist Gianluca ⁤Di Marzio reported that Mbappe himself is contemplating the offer but‌ has not yet come to a decision about‍ his future. This⁤ uncertainty has sparked a wave of speculation among fans and pundits alike, eagerly waiting to see what the talented forward will choose.

Earlier, it was revealed that Al-Hilal ⁢had put forward an astounding 300 million euros to PSG for Mbappe’s transfer,​ and surprisingly, the Parisian management​ agreed to the⁤ conditions offered. If the deal is completed, Mbappe stands to become one of ‍the highest-paid footballers ​in the world, with a⁤ salary of 400 million euros per year.

The potential move of a player of Mbappe’s caliber to Saudi Arabia has certainly caught the attention of football enthusiasts‌ worldwide. As the young forward weighs his options, the ⁤football world eagerly awaits his decision, which will undoubtedly ⁤have a significant impact on both clubs involved.

1 thought on “Килиан Мбаппе может переехать в Саудовскую Аравию согласно предложению «Аль-Хиляля»”

  1. “Футбол приводит людей со всех уголков мира вместе. Если предложение «Аль-Хиляля» осуществится, это будет интересно увидеть Килиана Мбаппе в Саудовской Аравии. Всегда за новые спортивные вызовы!”


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