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Декларациите на заместниците на Иван Гешев за имотите и сметките им

Title: Former ‍Deputy Chief Prosecutor’s Husband ⁢Buys⁤ Apartment in Rome for Over 1 Million ⁣Leva

Subtitle:‍ Property⁤ acquisitions of Daniela Masheva and Alexander Mashev raise ⁣questions

Date: [Insert Date]

Byline: [Author Name]

[City], [Country] – In⁣ a recent declaration ‍published by the Inspectorate of the Supreme Judicial Council, it has been revealed that the husband of Daniela ‌Masheva, former⁢ Deputy Chief Prosecutor‍ under Ivan Geshev,⁤ has⁤ purchased an apartment in Rome for ​1,095,265 leva. The ⁤property’s origin of funds is listed as a ⁣”mortgage loan and personal funds.” Additionally,⁣ a mortgage loan of 977,915 leva has been declared. The apartment, owned⁢ by lawyer Mashev,⁢ spans 71 square meters.

This⁣ latest‌ property acquisition comes after Alexander Mashev, an attorney, acquired two land plots in Sofia in 2022. One plot measures 2053 square⁤ meters‌ and was ⁤purchased for 47,460 leva, while the other spans 3416 square meters‌ and was acquired for 135,076‌ leva.

In ⁣contrast to her husband,‌ Masheva has also received a land plot in Sofia, measuring 1130 square meters,‍ without paying anything for it. The declaration ‍states‍ that the acquisition was a donation.

The ​couple has ‌also declared four ‍bank accounts, ​with one belonging to Masheva and the ⁣remaining three, including one abroad, belonging to Mashev. The latter accounts‌ hold more substantial sums.

Masheva, ⁢who ⁤served‌ as one of Geshev’s‌ deputies, was dismissed by‍ Borislav Sarafov immediately after Geshev’s termination ​as ⁢Chief Prosecutor. She was summoned by the‌ Supreme Judicial Council ‍to defend Geshev during the dismissal proceedings.

These recent property acquisitions have raised questions about the financial activities of⁢ the‌ former Deputy Chief Prosecutor and ‌her husband. The origins of the funds ⁤used for these purchases, as well as the potential implications of these acquisitions, are likely to be scrutinized further.

As investigations continue, the public awaits further information regarding the source of the funds and⁣ the potential impact on the couple’s professional careers.Husband of Former Deputy Chief Prosecutor⁣ Daniela Masheva Buys Apartment ‌in Rome for Over 1‌ Million ‌Leva

In a recent declaration published⁣ by the Inspectorate of the Supreme​ Judicial Council, it has been revealed that the husband of Daniela⁣ Masheva, who previously served as the Deputy Chief Prosecutor under ‍Ivan Geshev, ⁢has purchased an apartment in Rome for 1,095,265 leva. The source of funds for the property in Italy is⁤ listed as a‌ “mortgage loan, personal​ funds.” A ⁢mortgage loan of ⁤977,915 leva has also been declared. The apartment,⁤ owned by‌ Mashev, who is a lawyer, spans 71 square meters.

In addition to the Rome apartment, Alexander Mashev, an attorney,⁤ has ​acquired two land plots in‌ Sofia in 2022. One plot measures‍ 2053 square⁤ meters and was purchased for 47,460 leva, while the other⁢ measures 3416 square meters and was bought for 135,076 leva.

Daniela‍ Masheva has also received a land plot in⁤ Sofia, but unlike her husband, she​ did not pay anything for the​ 1130 square meters. The declaration states that the​ acquisition was a donation.

The couple has also declared ⁣four bank accounts, with one belonging to Masheva⁤ and the remaining three‍ (one abroad and two in Bulgaria)​ belonging to Mashev, where larger⁢ sums of money are held.

Masheva was one of the deputies ⁣of Geshev who were removed by Boris Sarafov immediately‍ after the Chief Prosecutor was dismissed and Sarafov assumed the role of Acting Chief Prosecutor. She was⁤ questioned ⁤by the Supreme Judicial⁢ Council in defense‌ of Geshev during the dismissal procedure.

Since taking office, Sarafov has‍ hinted at potential⁤ irregularities in the financial affairs of former‌ high-ranking‍ prosecutors,‍ including Masheva. The ⁢Inspectorate of the Supreme Judicial Council is ⁢currently investigating‌ the matter ⁤to determine if any wrongdoing has occurred.Headline: Former Deputy Chief Prosecutor’s Husband ⁣Buys Apartment in‌ Rome ⁤for Over 1 Million Leva

Subtitle: Property Declaration Reveals Source of Funds for the Purchase

Date: [Current Date]

Byline: [Author’s Name]

[City], [Country] – In a surprising ⁢revelation, the​ husband of Daniela Masheva, former Deputy Chief Prosecutor under Ivan Geshev, has purchased an apartment in ⁣Rome for a⁣ staggering amount of 1,095,265 leva. This ⁢information was obtained from the property ⁣declaration of the‍ prosecutor, which was⁢ recently published by the Inspectorate of the Supreme Judicial Council. The declaration, available for public viewing [link to the declaration], indicates that the funds for the property in Italy were acquired through⁤ a combination of a mortgage ⁤loan and personal savings. The declared mortgage loan amounts to 977,915 leva. The apartment, owned by Mashev, who is also a lawyer, spans an area‌ of‍ 71 square meters.

This⁢ latest ‍acquisition comes on the heels of another significant property ‌purchase made ⁤by⁤ Alexander Mashev, a lawyer, in 2022. Mashev acquired two plots of land in Sofia, one measuring 2053 square⁢ meters⁤ for 47,460 leva, and the⁤ other measuring 3416 square⁢ meters for 135,076⁣ leva. These properties ‌were acquired ⁣using ⁣his salary ​and savings.

Interestingly, Daniela Masheva herself has also received a plot of land in Sofia, measuring 1130 ⁢square⁢ meters.⁢ However, unlike her husband, she did not pay anything for ‍this property.‌ The declaration states⁣ that the acquisition was a donation.

In addition to the property acquisitions, the couple has also declared four bank accounts. One​ of the accounts belongs to Masheva, while the remaining three accounts, one abroad⁢ and two⁣ in Bulgaria, hold more substantial amounts.

These recent revelations have ‌raised questions ⁢about the source of funds for these acquisitions and have sparked public debate ‍regarding the financial activities of high-ranking officials. The Inspectorate of ‍the Supreme Judicial Council has not‍ yet commented on the⁣ matter, but it is ⁣expected that further⁣ investigations will be conducted to determine ⁣the legality and transparency of these transactions.

Critics ⁤argue that such acquisitions by individuals in positions of power raise concerns about potential conflicts of ⁣interest and the‌ abuse ‍of public⁢ office for personal gain. Calls for greater transparency and ‍accountability in the financial affairs of public officials have grown louder in recent⁤ years, and this latest revelation only adds fuel to the fire.

As⁢ the investigation unfolds, the public eagerly awaits ⁤further information and ⁤clarification regarding these property acquisitions ⁤and the financial activities of those entrusted with upholding​ justice in the country.

What are the potential implications ​of Alexander Mashev’s property acquisitions on his⁣ and Daniela Masheva’s professional careers?

71 square meters.

This latest acquisition of property by Alexander Mashev, an attorney, comes after he ⁢acquired two land plots in ⁤Sofia in ⁢2022. One plot measures 2053 square⁤ meters and was purchased for 47,460 leva, ⁢while the other measures 3416 square meters and was acquired for 135,076 leva.

Interestingly, Daniela Masheva, apart from her husband’s acquisitions, received a land plot in Sofia measuring⁢ 1130 square meters as​ a‍ donation, without having to pay anything for it.

The couple has also declared four bank accounts, with one belonging to Masheva and the remaining three, including one international account, belonging to Mashev. The accounts belonging to Mashev hold larger sums of money.

Masheva, who served as one ​of Geshev’s deputies, was dismissed immediately after Geshev’s termination as Chief Prosecutor. She was called‍ upon by the Supreme Judicial Council to defend Geshev during the dismissal proceedings.

These property⁢ acquisitions⁤ have raised questions about the financial activities of the former Deputy Chief Prosecutor and her husband. The origin of the ⁤funds used⁢ for these purchases, as well as the potential implications of these acquisitions, are⁣ likely to be‌ further scrutinized.

As investigations continue, more information is⁢ anticipated regarding the‍ source of the funds and its potential impact on the professional careers of the⁤ couple.

2 thoughts on “Декларациите на заместниците на Иван Гешев за имотите и сметките им”

  1. The deputies’ declarations on Ivan Geshev’s properties and accounts shed light on potential conflicts of interest. Transparency is crucial for public trust in law enforcement.

  2. The deputies’ declarations on their properties and accounts are a crucial step towards transparency and accountability. It’s important for the public to have access to this information and ensure that our elected officials are acting ethically and in the best interest of the people.


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