[ 매드타임스 최영호 기자] Generative AI has been a big topic in the creative industry this year. In Microsoft’s Christmas ad, artist Ellie Pritts used AI tools in Microsoft Designer’s Image Creator to turn people’s holiday memories into works of art.
Microsoft’s Christmas ad, created by McKeon New York, shows how artificial intelligence can bring to life various holiday traditions around the world.
This campaign video begins with a scene of Ellie setting up a space for creativity on the streets of New York. Instead of a canvas, she is holding a computer. Passers-by from a variety of backgrounds approach her to share their cherished holiday traditions, from New Year’s Day in Japan to the Seven Fishes of Italy in Italy. Ellie then turns each guest’s story into a prompt from a Microsoft designer, revealing a stunning custom piece of art created by AI.
As the ad’s story unfolds, an underlying message emerges: the true power of technology lies in its ability to enhance and elevate human stories.
“This year, we want to celebrate the unique holiday traditions that people around the world experience,” said Kathleen Hall, Microsoft Chief Brand Officer. “With the magic of AI and Microsoft Designers, anyone can become an artist, bringing memories to life and creating beautiful masterpieces.” “You can create and share it,” he said.
The campaign dives deeper into each topic in a series of 30-second ads. Consumers microsoftVisit to learn more, iceYou can create your own image by visiting .
#Microsoft #Generative AI #Creative #Advertising campaign #Christmas advertising
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Reporter Choi Young-ho
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2023-11-19 15:00:00
#해외 #크리에이티브 #Microsoft #Turn #Holidays #Masterpiece