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[사회]More than a thousand new confirmed cases…

1,000 confirmed cases in 11 months of the first COVID-19 outbreak
The proportion of the metropolitan area is close to 80%… Sporadic infections one after another


The number of new corona19 daily confirmed cases surpassed 1,000 for the first time ever.

It has exceeded the maximum for two days in a row, and the trend is expected to continue for the time being.

Reporter Seung-Hwan Kim reports.


The spread of Corona 19 is terrifying.

Recently, the number of confirmed patients per day remained in the 5 to 600 range, and in one day, it jumped to 900, and again surpassed 1,000.

It was the first time in 11 months after the first Corona 19 patient in Korea occurred in January.

It is the most dangerous situation as it is more than a hundred more than 909 people, which was the highest during the Shincheonji outbreak in February and March, and more than twice the maximum number during the second pandemic.

By region, the proportion of the metropolitan area reaches 80%, and sporadic group infections continue.

In the preceding pandemic, if the social distancing stage was strengthened, the confirmed trend was lessened, but this time, the distancing effect is not showing up properly, the quarantine authorities are worried about.

[박능후 / 중앙재난안전대책본부 1차장 : 거리 두기 단계를 계속 상향하고 있으나 수도권의 지난주 이동량은 그 직전 주에 비해 거의 변동이 없고…. 계속된 거리 두기에 힘들고 지치겠지만, 사회활동을 최소화하고 집에 머물러 주시기를 부탁 드립니다.]

In addition, even though the number of corona 19 tests has decreased, the number of confirmed cases has rather increased.

The’positive rate’, which represents the percentage of confirmed cases among the total number of tests, increased significantly from 2.46% the previous day to 4.16%.

With the explosive increase of daily infections, it is urgent to follow thorough quarantine rules amid the greatest crisis since the outbreak of Corona 19.

YTN Seunghwan Kim[[email protected]]is.

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