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[데일리 헬스] Kim Soo-mi’s cause of death was ‘hyperglycemic shock’… Blood sugar is a problem whether it is high or low

[데일리 헬스] Kim Soo-mi’s cause of death was ‘hyperglycemic shock’… Blood sugar is a problem whether it is high or low





Reporter Lee Jeong-hee ([email protected])

Entered 2024.10.26 01:05 Modified 2024.10.26 01:05

On the 25th, news of actress Kim Soo-mi’s death was reported. Kim Soo-mi’s son, Myeong-ho Jeong, director of Morning Glory F&B, said through Yonhap News that the police who investigated the cause of death reported that the final cause of death was hyperglycemic shock, and that the diabetes level was over 500 mg/dl.


Hyperglycemic shock is an emergency situation in which the balance between body fluids and electrolytes is disrupted due to a sudden rise in blood sugar. For diabetic patients, this is a life-threatening symptom.

Blood sugar is the glucose contained in the blood that is supplied to the entire body and serves as an energy source. When blood sugar level is higher than a certain standard, it is called hyperglycemia, and when it is low, it is called hypoglycemia.

Although it cannot be said to be an absolute standard, hyperglycemia generally refers to blood sugar levels above 250 mg/dl. Conversely, hypoglycemia can be said to occur when blood sugar is below 50 to 50 mg/dL.

Typical symptoms of severe hyperglycemia are polydipsia, polyuria, excessive eating, and weight loss. When blood sugar levels rise, sugar is released through urine. At this time, glucose carries a large amount of water with it, so the amount of urine increases.

As a result, thirst becomes worse due to lack of moisture and you drink a lot of water. Additionally, problems arise in the process of storing nutrients from the food you eat in cells or using it as an energy source, which increases fatigue and hunger, and even though you try to eat more and more, you lose weight. This decreases.

Even if you do not have these symptoms, chronic exposure to high blood sugar increases the likelihood of developing chronic complications of diabetes in the eyes, kidneys, nerves, heart, and brain blood vessels, so it is important to consistently control blood sugar within the target level.

In particular, if you are a diabetic, you should recognize it as an emergency and visit a medical institution when you suddenly experience severe vomiting, when your fasting blood sugar is higher than 240 mg/dl for more than a day, or when your body temperature is higher than 37.5 degrees.

The causes of high blood sugar are diverse, but generally include excessive meal intake, consumption of high-carbohydrate foods, decreased activity level, and severe mental stress.

In the case of Kim Soo-mi, it appears that she was exposed to severe mental stress. ​​He was preparing a lawsuit over non-payment of appearance fees for the musical ‘My Mother’s Mom’, which he appeared in for 14 years. In relation to this, Director Myung-ho Jeong said, “Actually, my mother was under a lot of stress because of ‘my mother’s mother,'” and added, “I was preparing a lawsuit because I had not received a single penny of the appearance fee since last year.”

On the other hand, in the case of hypoglycemia, the energy source supplied to the body becomes insufficient, causing symptoms such as lethargy, body tremors, cold sweat, dizziness, anxiety, heart palpitations, hunger, headache, and fatigue. If symptoms are left untreated, convulsions or seizures may occur, and in serious cases, loss of consciousness and death may occur.

The most common causes of hypoglycemia are oral diabetes medications and insulin administered to treat diabetes. This can occur when overdosing on such drugs or when the amount of food eaten or exercise increased while using the drug. In addition, several diseases such as sepsis, malnutrition, and insulin-related autoimmune diseases are also causes.

Low blood sugar is just as fatal as high blood sugar. It can cause brain damage and even threaten life in a short period of time, so regular management and prevention are important. In particular, you should be prepared to quickly respond when symptoms appear by carrying sugar-containing beverages or glucose candies that can quickly raise blood sugar levels.

©Dailyan Co., Ltd. Unauthorized reproduction and redistribution prohibited



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