Among Dong-A Ilbo DB professionals, lawyers were found to have the highest average annual income of the top 1% by occupation, exceeding 3 billion won. The average annual income of the top 1% of medical professionals, including doctors, dentists, and oriental medical doctors, followed with more than 2.4 billion won.
According to data submitted by the National Tax Service to the National Assembly on the 14th, the average income of the top 1% of lawyers as of 2022 was 3.076 billion won per person, the highest among professionals. This means that the income earned by subtracting necessary expenses from sales earned from the main business exceeds 3 billion won. Among those in the medical industry, those earning the top 1% followed with an average per capita income of 2.405 billion won. This was followed by patent attorneys (KRW 1.439 billion), accountants (KRW 544 million), tax accountants (KRW 535 million), and legal counsel (KRW 401 million). Looking at the per capita business income of the top 10% of professionals, those working in the medical industry had the highest at 645 million won. Compared to patent attorneys (282 million won), who earned the second highest income after the medical industry, their income was 2.3 times higher. This was followed by accountants (247 million won), lawyers (180 million won), and tax accountants (174 million won).
The medical industry earned an average of 291 million won, which was 2.4 times higher than the next highest income, accounting (120 million won). This was followed by lawyers (102 million won), patent attorneys (90 million won), and tax accountants (83 million won).
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