Home » today » News » [단독] “Is the 119 Daewon the subject of the experiment?” Firefighters got angry after the Astra vaccine was given priority.

[단독] “Is the 119 Daewon the subject of the experiment?” Firefighters got angry after the Astra vaccine was given priority.

As the government decided to inoculate the AstraZeneca (AZ) vaccine first to 119 paramedics in March, there is a growing backlash among front-line crew members asking, “Are we the subject of an experiment?”

This is because there is a coercive atmosphere that seems to be urging vaccinations in the field, which infringes on the right to choose the body and treats paramedics as a tool for quarantine policies.

According to a fire station official on the 23rd, the Fire Department sent an official letter to the front line fire department on the 22nd to investigate the hopes (agree) of crew members regarding the AZ vaccination. The number of paramedics targeted for vaccination is 12,759 people nationwide, and each local firefighting headquarters will collect the list and number of applicants and submit it to the fire department by the first week of March.

However, although it is an excuse to identify the candidates for vaccination, it is publicly pressured that there will be a’strong measure’ through a group Kakao Talk, etc., or an interview with the fire chief after identifying unconsent. A local firefighter, Mr. A (28), talked to a reporter and said, “We give doctors and nurses a chance to choose, and only firefighters who are public servants use them as maruta.”

In the communities used by firefighters, articles are being posted one after another condemning the government’s mandatory AZ vaccination.

On the firefighting free bulletin board of the Seoul administrative portal, “You are forced to put an injection in my body?” Criticisms such as “Is it clear that I did not want to be vaccinated, but I was rejected”, “Is it reasonable to determine only 3 reasons for non-vaccination and investigate that it should be unconditionally correct?”

There were also a lot of articles distrusting the safety of the AZ vaccine. “Who will be responsible if side effects occur even though we do not know what effect it will have on the body or life?” “If the AZ vaccine was safe, the seniors would have said that they would get it first.”

In the meantime, the government will begin vaccinating the AZ vaccine from the 26th and the Pfizer vaccine from the 27th.

[김형주 기자]

Fire Department “If you don’t get vaccinated by paramedics, it’s not true that there is a disadvantage in personnel and performance pay”

Paramedic AZ Vaccination Rebellion

Until the formation of mass immunity in November
‘Vaccination rate, mutation, vaccine supply’ variables

The first responders to Corona 19, 11,275, paramedics will receive the AstraZeneca (AZ) vaccine for the first time among the target groups starting next month according to the vaccination plan of the Central Defense Response Headquarters.

The vaccination will begin in the third quarter of this year for military personnel, police, and firefighters who are not paramedics. As paramedics, who are the first candidates for vaccination, collectively refuse vaccination, controversy is expected to rise among other public officials.

On the 23rd, the Fire Department said it was grasping the backlash against first aid vaccination by paramedics. Regarding this, an official from the Fire Department said, “The social cost incurred when Corona 19 is spread through firefighters is greater than infringement on their body choices.”

An official from the local fire department explained, “If there is a special reason, it cannot be forced,” he said. “However, an official letter came down to the fire department asking you to explain it if you said it would not be right because of simple fear.” In addition, he drew a line, saying, “If you don’t get vaccinated, you won’t be given an incentive pay” or that you will be disadvantaged in terms of personnel.

In this way, there is a concern about a disruption in the vaccination plan as the firefighting paramedics protest against the AZ vaccination.

The spread of Corona 19 is showing signs of reviving after the Lunar New Year holiday, and there are observations that the government’s plan to form collective immunity by November this year will not be easy as the risk of the mutant virus is increasing. Initially, the government proposed a goal of recovering daily life by completing the first vaccination for more than 70% of the population by September this year and by forming a group immunity by November.

Prime Minister Jeong Sye-gyun said on the day, “Because we are in a position to further verify the effectiveness of the AZ vaccine for the elderly, we are preparing with the possibility of inoculating Pfizer to the elderly.” The AZ vaccine, which has been questioned about the efficacy of the elderly, will be vaccinated at 9 am on the 26th, targeting residents and workers under the age of 65 at 5804 nursing hospitals, nursing facilities, mental care and rehabilitation facilities nationwide.

Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (KCDC) Commissioner Jeong Eun-kyung emphasized that △whether the vaccination rate was achieved, △vaccinated and supplied △mutant virus spread as the three most important variables and risk factors in forming group immunity, he emphasized.

Jeong Jae-hoon, a professor of preventive medicine at Gachon University Medical School, said, “The basic infectious reproductive index considering mutant viruses may be at least 5, and in this case, the required level of population immunity is at least 80%.” “The value that can be obtained only when 90% of the patients are inoculated”

[이병문 의료선임기자 / 김형주 기자]
[ⓒ 매일경제 & mk.co.kr, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]

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