Kwon Kang-joo, Doctor of Oriental Medicine
It feels like it has already become a legend, but a long time ago, there was a doctor named Yoo Myong-heon who preached vegetarianism while sweeping various media outlets. After following his insistence and switching to a vegetarian diet, many people overcame long-term illnesses and recovered their health. Then, among them, people who stopped eating meat and experienced poor health began to appear, and the vegan craze seems to have subsided. After that, there was no such thing as a pan-social trend about vegetarianism and meat-eating. Should we say that it is left to each individual to make their own choice as a matter of personal taste or taste? I wonder if the mysterious stories of vegetarian cats and lions on the Internet are really true, but only after learning lessons from extreme choices that ignore each person’s inclination or constitutional characteristics can we get closer to the truth one step at a time. Is there?
For health and longevity, even if you are a vegetarian, some amount of meat as a source of protein is essential. In particular, it is said that more and more animal protein intake is needed in old age, but this has long been common knowledge. Even so, the importance of mentioning and emphasizing the intake of plant foods, which are vitamins and minerals, natural anti-inflammation, and natural antibiotics as well as a treasure trove of antioxidants, seems to be several hundred times higher than that of meat foods, and most of human diseases are caused by inflammation. because it becomes In order to prevent disease occurrence or to expect rapid healing from disease, faster escape from inflammation will be the key.
Inflammation is a type of complex immune response caused by harmful substances such as trauma, burns, pathogens or viral infections, damaged autoantigens, and cells in living tissues where blood vessels are distributed. cause symptoms such as If the healing of inflammation is delayed, the function of the organ may be lost. It is divided into acute inflammation and chronic inflammation. Chronic inflammation, which appears when there are no clear symptoms for a long time and the body condition deteriorates, increases the risk of various diseases such as high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, and Alzheimer’s disease. The main causes of chronic inflammation are the incomplete recovery of the acute inflammation mentioned above, and other overwork, stress, lack of exercise, nutritional imbalance, and chronic fatigue.
Inflammation can be easily compared to a war that occurred inside the body, but since inflammation does not occur only by invading pathogens from the outside, we do not conclude that it is a direct cause. It is true that infection and inflammation are closely related, but not all infections cause inflammation and not all inflammation is caused by infection. As a representative example of an infection without inflammation, in which an infectious agent is already in the body but does not develop and is silent, the herpes virus is already infected in many people, but does not manifest unless you are particularly tired, and shingles is also infected in advance and becomes old and immune A good example would be what appears when this weakens.
Discussing the medical mechanism of inflammation and healing is suitable for experts, and it is more important for us to simply and easily understand and practice. Let’s call immunity and healing ability to help recover from inflammation regular (正气). Conflict between morale and regularity is called the struggle for ejaculation, and it is called negative action (扶正袪邪) to help defeat morale, treat disease, and restore health by boosting immunity and vitality. Isn’t the history of humankind as well as the health of my body a history of the struggle for ejaculation? If so, I hope we prepare our daily table so that we can do negative things and have a delicious and enjoyable meal. You must keep in mind that today’s meal is not only for living tomorrow, but also an investment for a healthy me 5 or 10 years from now.
A few years ago, while having a meal with my father, who has insisted on vegetarian food for decades, I pretended to know this and that, and he said, “I will take care of my body, so you should worry about yourself,” and the brothers sitting in the room just laughed. I think it’s fortunate that my father, who has become a child, felt the need, and he took a few pieces of pork. Soyangin Constitution My father still treats beef and chicken like a cow and chicken. Perhaps it is thanks to his father’s picky personality and self-management, who never responds to his mother’s scolding, “Father, who is picky about food, is the best in Korea.” Perhaps it is because of his self-management that he still keeps his teeth as they are and does not go to the hospital once and is healthy as a child. I am just grateful.