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[국제]’Xi Jinping Coronation’ D-1 … What is the Chinese leadership pattern for the next 5 years?

The 20th Congress of the Communist Party of China, held every five years, opens tomorrow.
National Congress, revision of the Party Constitution and election of the Central Committee
First public disclosure of Chinese leadership in the next 5 years to the 20th “first round”
Xi Jinping’s Third Term … Is Mao Zedong Rising?

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The 20th Congress of the Communist Party of China, the largest Chinese political event held every five years, opens tomorrow (16).

As Xi Jinping’s third term has been virtually confirmed, some point out that it will be a timid coronation.

I am Beijing correspondent Kang Jeong-gyu.


There is only one day left for the 20th Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Congress, which was first held in Shanghai in 1921.

Elected representatives from across the country also gathered in Beijing one after another.

2,296 of the 96.71 million members of the Communist Party, or 7% of the 1.4 billion Chinese.

[양홍 / 중국 공산당 20차 전국대표 : 다가오는 중국 공산당 20차 전국대표대회에 대한 기대가 큽니다.]

The congress will be held for a week, starting with Secretary General Xi Jinping’s working report.

Representatives ratify the amendment to the Party Constitution (immediately) and about 200 members of the Central Committee are elected.

The Central Committee is the second highest decision-making body at the party congress and holds seven plenary sessions over five years.

The first meeting, which is held immediately after the party congress closes, elects the leaders of the party, including the next general secretary.

This is when the members of the Politburo Standing Committee (7-9 members) who will lead China over the next five years will be unveiled.

Since Xi Jinping’s third term has been virtually confirmed, the question is whether he will retain power comparable to that of Mao Zedong.

[중국 관영 CCTV / 16부작 다큐멘터리 : 인민의 영수, 인민들이 사랑합니다!]

As this is an event that breaks the custom of changing factions within the party every 10 years and advances to Xi Jinping’s long-term reign, it is rumored that it will be a flawed coronation ceremony.

My name is Jeonggyu Kang from YTN in Beijing.

YTN Kang Jeong-gyu ([email protected])

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