Home » today » Sport » [국제]Mori, chairman of’deprecation of women’, press conference after storm…Tokyo Olympics’biggest crisis’

[국제]Mori, chairman of’deprecation of women’, press conference after storm…Tokyo Olympics’biggest crisis’


The Tokyo Olympics organizer Mori held a press conference to apologize for remarks against women, but criticism is spreading.

Public opinion at home and abroad is freezing, as some of the Olympic volunteers have announced that they will quit as the chairman’s request for resignation continues.

Tokyo Correspondent Lee Kyung-ah reports.


[취재기자 : 그 이전 단계에서…]

[모리 위원장 : 그런 말은 더 이상 듣고 싶지 않아.]

The press conference, where no signs of reflection were found, led to a headwind.

The front page of major Japanese daily newspapers was decorated with remarks from Chairman Mori, and an editorial urging his resignation appeared.

Foreign media also criticized Chairman Mori for revealing gender discrimination even at a press conference.

[도쿄 시민 : 이제 (조직위원장 하는 것은) 무리 아니겠어요? 당장 그만두지 않으면 아무 것도 안 되잖아요.]

[도쿄 시민 : 좀 한심하다고 할까요? 국제적으로 볼 때도 수준 낮은 발언이었다고 생각해요.]

After the press conference, protest calls struck the Tokyo Metropolitan Government, the venue of the Olympic Games.

The ripples are spreading, with some Olympic volunteers saying they will quit.

[코이케 유리코 / 도쿄도지사 : 자원봉사자를 사퇴하겠다는 얘기와 발언에 대한 항의 전화 등이 많이 들어오고 있다고 들었습니다. 모리 위원장의 발언을 듣고 저도 말이 안 나올 지경이었습니다.]

The political circles also demanded the hardship of Chairman Mori.

[모리야마 히로유키 / 입헌민주당 중의원 : 총리, 어떠신가요? (모리 위원장에게) 사임을 요구할 수 밖에 없지 않겠습니까?]

[스가 요시히데 / 일본 총리 : 있어서는 안되는 발언이었다고 생각합니다.]

An official from the organizing committee said this was the biggest crisis in the Tokyo Olympics, and spoke to some media.

Olympic Minister Hashimoto set out to calm the situation, saying he gained the understanding of IOC Chairman Bach.

[하시모토 / 올림픽 담당장관 : (바흐 위원장은 전화통화에서)IOC는 그 부분에 대해서는 ‘잘 이해했다’고 말했습니다.]

Chairman Mori has said he will not withdraw himself, but trust has already fallen on the ground, and Japan has lost face in the international community.

The excommunication of this remark reveals to the world the unfamiliar face of Japan, which is at the level of a backward country in terms of gender equality.

Recognizing that there is still a long way to go to a society without discrimination is probably the only lesson left by this incident.

This is Kyungah Lee from YTN in Tokyo.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]

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