Actor Tomo Inaba (30) and talent Nicole Fujita (25) announced their marriage on the 4th through their respective social media accounts. They submitted their marriage registration on the same day, which coincided with an auspicious date known as ”Ichiryu Manbai Day,” “Tensha Day,” and “Daian Day.” It was revealed that the couple is already living together. They shared a photo of themselves in pure white wedding attire and wrote, ”We apologize for the personal matter, but we would like to announce that Tomo Inaba and Nicole Fujita have gotten married. We are filled with happiness.”
According to their respective agencies, Inaba proposed to Fujita on her 25th birthday on February 20th, after dating for about three years. There are no plans for a press conference, and the details of the wedding ceremony and reception are currently undecided.
Fujita is not pregnant, and both individuals plan to continue their careers in the entertainment industry.
In their statement, they expressed their desire to support each other as a family and build a peaceful and happy home. They also mentioned their determination to face and overcome any difficulties that may arise in life. They concluded by stating, “We will strive to continue working in a way that brings joy to everyone.”
Inaba won the Grand Prix at the 22nd Junon Super Boy Contest in 2009 and made his acting debut in the drama “Clone Baby” in 2010. In 2014, he played the role of Tsukasa Kadoya/Kamen Rider Mach in the series “Kamen Rider Drive.” Since then, he has appeared in numerous dramas and movies.
Fujita was selected as the Grand Prix winner at the 13th Nicola Model Audition in 2009. She gained popularity as a talent during her time as a model for “Popteen” and has been active in variety shows. Since October 2017, she has been an exclusive model for “ViVi” magazine.
The couple’s relationship was first reported by “Bunshun Online” in December 2020, and both agencies did not deny the news, stating, “We leave their private matters to them.”
Full Statement:
To all concerned parties,
We would like to express our heartfelt gratitude for your continued support.
We apologize for this personal matter, but we would like to announce that Tomo Inaba and Nicole Fujita have gotten married.
From now on, we will support each other as a family and strive to build a peaceful and happy home. We are determined to face and overcome any difficulties that may arise in life. Furthermore, we will work hard to bring joy to everyone through our careers.
We would be grateful if you could continue to warmly watch over us. We are still inexperienced, so we kindly ask for your guidance and support in the future.
August 4, 2023
Tomo Inaba, Nicole Fujita
What kind of support and blessings are Inaba and Fujita hoping to receive from their fans as they embark on their journey of marriage
Continue pursuing their careers while supporting each other. They expressed their gratitude for the support and love they have received from fans and asked for their continued support and blessings in their marriage. Fans and fellow celebrities congratulated the couple on their social media accounts, sending their best wishes and messages of happiness. Inaba and Fujita’s marriage announcement has created quite a buzz in the entertainment industry, with many eagerly awaiting updates on their wedding plans. Despite their busy schedules, the couple is determined to prioritize their relationship and make their marriage a strong and happy one.
Wow, what a surprising and unexpected couple! Congratulations to the newlyweds! 🎉
I didn’t see this coming! Wishing them a lifetime of love and happiness together. 💍💕