Home » today » Health » ▷ POL-UL: (GP) Geislingen – Skidding / When it rained a …

▷ POL-UL: (GP) Geislingen – Skidding / When it rained a …

07.06.2021 – 07:33

Police headquarters in Ulm

Ulm (ots)

A witness discovered the accident BMW around 11.30 p.m. on the B10 in the ditch. At the end of the village in the direction of Amstetten, the 21-year-old had skidded. With his BMW he landed in the ditch. The young driver was not injured in the accident. The police officers smelled alcohol from the driver. The alcohol test confirmed this and a doctor took blood from him. He’s also lost his driver’s license. The police confiscated it.

The police warn: If you drive intoxicated, you put yourself and others in danger and risk your driver’s license. Because alcohol and drugs limit perception, lead to incorrect assessments of speeds and distances, narrow the field of vision, impair reaction and coordination. This mix is ​​dangerous.

++++++++ 1073659

Joachim Schulz, Tel. 0731 / 188-1111

Please contact:

Police headquarters in Ulm
Phone: 0731 188-0
Email: [email protected]

Original content by: Ulm Police Headquarters, transmitted by news aktuell

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