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▷ BAP Job Navigator 11/2020: “Comparison of cities” / Frankfurt / Main, Karlsruhe and …

18.11.2020 – 09:45

Federal Employers’ Association of Personnel Service Providers (BAP)

BerlinBerlin (ots)

The demand for qualified specialists across Germany has increased significantly in recent years due to demographic change and increasing digitization. The corona pandemic hit many industries hard and even led to job cuts in some places, but 967,541 jobs were advertised by almost 164,000 companies in October 2020. This corresponds to the highest value since March 2020. On average, there were around 1.2 job offers per 100 inhabitants that month. But in which cities are the most jobs published? The BAP Job Navigator took a look at the 50 most populous cities in Germany and put the job offer in relation to the number of inhabitants. Accordingly, there is the largest job offer in the Hessian financial metropolis Frankfurt.

Frankfurt am Main is the winner in the ranking

A total of 22,400 jobs were posted in Frankfurt am Main in October 2020. With a population of around 763,000, there are around three job offers for every 100 inhabitants, significantly more than the national average. It is no surprise that the Hessian metropolis offers the greatest density of jobs in Germany, because it is characterized as a financial location with the European Central Bank and as a traffic hub with Germany’s largest airport.

Every fifth position is aimed at IT and communication specialists. Technical occupations follow in second place with around 15 percent of all jobs and finance and accounting is in third place with 14 percent. The area of ​​consulting and advice comprises only around three percent of all job offers in the whole of Germany, but consultants are in high demand in Frankfurt (12 percent of all jobs).

Good job opportunities in Karlsruhe and Düsseldorf

In Karlsruhe, too, skilled workers looking for a new job have good chances: there are 8,677 jobs for every 312,000 inhabitants (2.8 jobs per 100 inhabitants). Karlsruhe is in second place in the ranking. As a digital location, the majority of job offers (27 percent) were directed at IT specialists.

2.7 jobs per 100 inhabitants were published in Düsseldorf, making the second largest city in North Rhine-Westphalia third. Stuttgart follows closely behind.

Leipzig is the only city in the new federal states that made it into the top 10 ranking with ninth place. There are 2.2 jobs per 100 inhabitants.

Berlin only in midfield

In absolute terms, most job offers are published in the federal capital: Around 12,000 companies advertised more than 65,500 positions. That is seven percent of all job offers in the whole of Germany and at first it sounds like a lot. However, if you put the 3.67 million inhabitants in relation to job offers, Berlin only ranks 31st in the ranking. Most jobs were aimed at skilled workers in construction and crafts (16 percent) and in health and social services (14 percent).

The other megacities Hamburg and Cologne are also not among the top 25 cities with their population-to-job ratio. The Hanseatic city is in 27th place with 1.9 jobs per 100 inhabitants and Cologne is in 29th place with 1.8 jobs per 100 inhabitants.

Munich, however, as another metropolis with 38,680 job offers per 1.48 million inhabitants, ranks fifth (2.6 jobs per 100 inhabitants). Most of the jobs here were advertised for IT specialists (18 percent of all positions), but technical staff was also in high demand with 15 percent.

Small cities, but great job potential

Heidelberg, with 161,500 inhabitants, is the smallest of the major cities examined, but it still occupies 15th place in the ranking, as there are 2.1 job offers for every 100 inhabitants. Noticeable: Almost 30 percent of the positions are reserved for specialists in health, medicine and social affairs. This clearly shows the importance of the University Hospital for the city’s job offers.

Oldenburg and Osnabrück are also two of the smaller cities with 166,000 inhabitants each. With over two positions per 100 inhabitants, both occupy a place in the top 20 ratio ranking.

Gelsenkirchen and Wuppertal at the bottom

Gelsenkirchen and Wuppertal are in the last two places in the relative ranking. With just one job offer per 100 inhabitants, the number of advertised positions in these two cities in October is particularly below average.

Via the BAP job navigator

The BAP Job Navigator evaluates the job offers from 196 print media, 189 online job exchanges, more than 30,000 company websites and the job exchange of the Federal Employment Agency on a monthly basis. In October 2020, a total of 967,541 job advertisements from 163,934 companies were analyzed. If multiple ads were placed for a job, they were combined and not counted multiple times.

About the BAP

The Federal Employers’ Association of Personnel Service Providers e. V. (BAP) is the leading advocacy group for the personnel service and temporary employment industry in Germany. Around 2,000 members with over 4,600 personnel service companies are organized in the BAP. Information about the association can be found at www.personaldienstleister.de.

Press contact:

Tobias Hint
Press Department
Marketing | public relation

Federal Employers’ Association of
Personnel Service Provider eV (BAP)
Universitätsstr. 2-3a
10117 Berlin

Phone: +49 30 206098 – 30

Email: [email protected]
Internet: www.personaldienstleister.de

Original content from: Federal Employers’ Association of Personnel Service Providers (BAP), transmitted by news aktuell

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