وتتناول الرواية قصة مجموعة من الشخصيات المتنوعة، بدءًا من السياسيين والجنود وصولًا إلى الفلاحين والمثقفين، وتسلط الضوء على تأثير الحرب على حياة الناس وعلى العلاقات الإنسانية.
وقد أثنى النقاد على أسلوب الكتابة الساحر والوصف الدقيق للمشاهد والشخصيات، مما يجعل القارئ يشعر بالاندماج الكامل في عالم الرواية. كما أشادوا بقدرة الكاتب على تصوير الصراعات الداخلية للشخصيات وتجسيدها بشكل واقعي ومؤثر.
وتعد جائزة البوكر للرواية العالمية من أبرز الجوائز الأدبية في العالم، حيث تمنح سنويًا لأفضل رواية باللغة الإنجليزية من قبل كتاب متخصصين ونقاد أدبيين. وتهدف الجائزة إلى تشجيع الكتابة الأدبية وتكريم الروايات ذات القيمة الأدبية العالية.
وقد أعربت الكاتبة شيهان كاروناتيلاكا عن سعادتها البالغة بفوزها بجائزة البوكر للرواية، مؤكدة أنها تعتبر هذا الفوز تتويجًا لجهودها الكتابية وتحفيزًا لها للاستمرار في الكتابة والتعبير عن آرائها وأفكارها من خلال الأدب.
وتعد شيهان كاروناتيلاكا ثاني كاتب سريلانكي يفوز بجائزة البوكر للرواية، بعد الكاتب مايكل أونداتجيه الذي فاز بها عن رواية “السيدة الجميلة” في عام 1992.
ومن المتوقع أن يحقق فوز رواية “أقمار معالى الميدا السبعة” نجاحًا كبيرًا في الأسواق العالمية، حيث يتوقع أن يترجم إلى العديد من اللغات ويحظى بشعبية واسعة بين القراء.
وبهذا الفوز، تضاف رواية “أقمار معالى الميدا السبعة” إلى قائمة الروايات الفائزة بجائزة البوكر للرواية العالمية، وتثبت مكانة الأدب السريلانكي في الساحة الأدبية العالمية.”Shihan Karunatilaka Wins the Booker Prize for his Novel ‘The Seven Moons of Maali Almeida'”
Colombo, Sri Lanka - Shihan Karunatilaka, a Sri Lankan author, has joined the prestigious Booker Prize series with his novel ‘The Seven Moons of Maali Almeida’. He becomes the second Sri Lankan writer to win the international Booker Prize, making history in the renowned literary award’s history. Karunatilaka’s novel won the award for the year 2022.
The judging panel described ‘The Seven Moons of Maali Almeida’ as an epic and uproarious novel that satirically unfolds amidst the deadly chaos of Sri Lanka’s civil war. The story is set in Colombo in 1990 when Maali Almeida, a war photographer, gambler, and queen of the treasury, wakes up dead in what appears to be a celestial visa office. Her severed body is found submerged in Lake Beira, and she has no idea who killed her. Meanwhile, as dozens are being settled by death squads, suicide bombers, and hired fools, the list of suspects is frustratingly long.
But even in the afterlife, time is running out for Maali. She has seven moons to try and contact the man and woman she loves dearly and lead them to a hidden cache of photographs that will shake Sri Lanka.
Shihan Karunatilaka is considered one of the most important authors in Sri Lanka. In addition to his novels, he has written rock songs, screenplays, and travel stories. Karunatilaka made his mark on the global literary stage in 2011 when he won the Commonwealth Prize, DSL, and Gratiaen Award for his debut novel ‘Chinaman’. His songs, texts, and stories have been published in Rolling Stone, GQ, and National Geographic.
Karunatilaka was born in Galle, Sri Lanka, and grew up in Colombo. He studied in New Zealand and has lived and worked in London, Amsterdam, and Singapore. He currently resides in Sri Lanka. ’The Seven Moons of Maali Almeida’ is his highly anticipated second novel.
The Booker Prize is one of the most prestigious literary awards in the world, recognizing outstanding works of fiction. Karunatilaka’s win not only brings recognition to his talent but also shines a spotlight on the rich literary tradition of Sri Lanka.
In what ways does winning the Booker Prize for Fiction contribute to the recognition and success of “The Seven Moons of Maali Almeida” in international markets
Novel a great achievement for Sri Lankan literature.
“The Seven Moons of Maali Almeida” tells the story of a diverse group of characters, ranging from politicians and soldiers to farmers and intellectuals. It highlights the impact of war on people’s lives and human relationships.
Critics have praised the book for its enchanting writing style and precise descriptions of scenes and characters, which immerse the reader in the world of the novel. They also applaud the author’s ability to realistically and powerfully portray the internal conflicts of the characters.
The Booker Prize for Fiction is one of the most prestigious literary awards in the world. It is presented annually to the best novel written in the English language, as judged by experts and literary critics. The prize aims to encourage literary writing and honor novels of high literary value.
Author Shihan Karunatilaka expressed immense joy at winning the Booker Prize for his novel, considering it a culmination of his writing efforts and a motivation to continue expressing her opinions and ideas through literature.
Shihan Karunatilaka is the second Sri Lankan author to win the Booker Prize, following Michael Ondaatje, who won it for his novel “The English Patient” in 1992.
It is expected that “The Seven Moons of Maali Almeida” will achieve great success in international markets. It is anticipated to be translated into several languages and gain popularity among readers.
With this win, “The Seven Moons of Maali Almeida” adds to the list of novels that have won the Booker Prize for Fiction, solidifying the position of Sri Lankan literature in the global literary scene.
هذه الرواية فائقة الجمال والأصالة، فقد تميزت بأسلوب سردي فريد وشيق يأسرك من أول صفحة حتى الأخيرة. تستحق الفوز بجائزة البوكر بكل جدارة.