The Pirate Queen: A Forgotten Legend is an upcoming puzzle-solving game created by Singer Studios, led by director Eloise Singer.
The game is about the notorious Chinese pirate Cheng Shih (also known as Zheng Yi Sao), who is voiced by Lucy Liu.
Cheng Shih was active in the South China Sea in the early 19th century, and is considered one of the most successful pirates in history.
Teaser-traileren for The Pirate Queen: A Forgotten Legend
– I am very excited to work with Eloise to bring new life to the forgotten story of Cheng Shih – a fascinating woman, who with incredible resilience and perseverance became a powerful pirate leader during the Qing Dynasty, says Liu about the role.
The game will deal with themes such as women’s liberation, coping with life and diversity, and will use the unique VR experience to put it all in a first-person perspective.
The game is coming to Steam VR and Quest 2 in early 2024, but a gameplay demo is planned to be shown at the Tribeca festival in June.
2023-06-02 17:18:50
#Lucy #Liu #pirate #queen #game