Home » World » Speed ​​Marathon is here: We know where the police will measure speed in Prague on Friday

Speed ​​Marathon is here: We know where the police will measure speed in Prague on Friday

The already traditional police event called Speed ​​Marathon aimed at maintaining speed on the roads is here again. This time, the police officers will measure the speed at selected risk locations during Friday, April 19.

Not only police officers participate in the selection of sections, citizens themselves could also nominate places until the end of March. The event aims to reduce traffic accidents and increase road safety.

Overview of measured sections within the Speed ​​Marathon event

OSDP Transport Management Department

Plzeňská Street, from the center, behind the cross. with Zahradníčkova Street, P-5
Chlumecká Street, to the center, before the cross. with Vodňanská Street, P-9
ul. Evropska from the center, after the cross U Litowické potok, P-6
Hornoměcholupská Street, to the center, before the cross. with ul. Kunická P-10
ul. Modřanská, from the center, u křiž. S ul. Pikovicka P-4
ul. Milánská, direction Archimédova, at the cross with ul. Novarská P-10

Highway Department

D0, km 15-28 in both directions
D0, km 58-62 in both directions

DI OŘP Prague I

Prague 6, Do Horoměřice (Na Padesátník V)
Prague 6, Milady Horákové no. 5/133
Prague 6, Kamýcká direction ZC (public transport BUS stop – V Sedlec)
Prague 6, Podbabská (at the intersection V Podbabě) direction ZC
Prague 7, Argentinská 34a direction ZC

DI OŘP Prague II

P-5, Radotínská Chuchle Racecourse
P-5, Strakonická x Za Dálníčí from the center
P-5, K Přehradám – quarry
P-5, Vrchlického x CS Shell
P-5, Upper embankment x Vltava
P-5, Plzeňská x CTU
P-5, Strakonická from to the center
P-5, Plzeňská from to the center

Traffic inspectorate of the OŘP Prague III

Prague 8, ul. Trojská
Prague 8, Ústecká Street
Prague 8, Hornátecká Street
Prague 8, ul. Klapkova
Prague 3, Olšanská Street
Prague 3, ul. Na Balkáně
Prague 3, J. Želivského Street
Prague 9, ul. Spojovije
Prague 9, ul.Ke Stadionu
Prague 9, ul. Chlumecká
Prague 9, ul. Polanecki
Praha 9, ul. Kolbenova

DI Praha IV

P-4, Exhibition x At the dam
P-4, Opatovská
P-4, Ke Stáčírna
P-4, Türkova before Litochlebský náměstí
P-10, Teplárenská
P-10, Hornoměcholupská – speed measurement while driving
P-10, Švehlova – speed measurement while driving

source: Police of the Czech Republic

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